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Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”) are a set of legal provisions determined by the owner of the website. These provisions govern the use of the website by its visitors, as well as the relationship between visitors to the website and its owner.

The specific needs and characteristics of each website must be taken into account when determining the Terms. For example, if a website offers e-commerce products to customers, it will need to have different Terms and Conditions than a website that only offers information to visitors.    

The Terms provide for the protection of the website owner from the risk of legal liability.


What points in general should be covered in the Terms and Conditions:


  1. Who can use the website; what are the requirements for creating an account (if applicable)

  2.  Main commercial terms offered to clients

  3. Payment methods (credit and debit cards, online wallets, cash, etc.)

  4.  Reservation of the right to change the offer

  5. Warranties and liability for goods and services

  6. Owners of intellectual property rights, copyrights and logos

  7. Right to Suspend or Cancel a Member Account

  8. Indemnification guarantees

  9. Disclaimer

  10. Right to change and revise the Terms

  11. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

  12. Contact details


More information about creating a Terms and Conditions page can be found in this information article.

The explanations, information and examples provided in this document are provided for illustrative purposes only. This article does not constitute legal advice or recommendations and should not be relied upon in making decisions regarding your actual actions. If you need help creating your own return policies, we recommend that you consult your attorney.

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